Sudip Kumar Kundu, he was unaware then what was going to happen. But the process initiated. He returned like a lost soldier - lost in the war of life. He had no hope to stay alive, none was beside him, but he didn't realize then that.... When the crowd disappears, God becomes visible. She never left him alone, but since he won't call her, she stayed at the back, crying hard - seeing his pain, but couldn't come ahead, as he won't call her.

When the crowd, the unwanted, annoying crowd of so-called loved ones dispersed, the actual Lover... the Mighty one... The Almighty appeared.... like a light in a dark - 100 years' dark room. The light came affront, resided on forehead... Can't sleep, can't live... Crush came ahead... No, No... not on any lady... But on that forehead White Laser Beam. 

Percussion started, started like a silent war.... He never thought that his crush on that beam of light would act as Oxygen for him... but it did so actually. He rose up, from the death table, he started work hard to win over that light beam... He have to sleep to survive... But, how to win? How to? No way found - No Dimension - No Diversion. Come back to Physics... Its time to revive back the basics. 

Yeah, he decided he would concentrate on that light... Will surely win over it, catch it down and put that in pocket.... But... Oh... Oh No! Its Super speedy ... The moment, he reaches the light, the light travels millions of light years!! Who is it? Is it Paranormal!! Is it Anomaly ... anomaly! Anomaly to what!! ... No, No ... It's nothing... Just an infatuation!! He started oblivion .... Oh! No!... It's there Like a Polestar in the night sky! 

It's too much.... he decided not to catch it first... wait... wait and observe... who that is! What it does! Days went, Weeks flew away, months .... Its some light! An expression of an enormous light! With a speed like ... like!! No... faster than light too! ... How to catch it then! ....